
Tools & Calculators

We believe in the importance of financial literacy when working towards achieving your financial goals. With this in mind, we like to provide you with several practical tools and calculators.

Donating shares to a charity

Compare selling shares and donating the cash proceeds to donating the shares directly.

Investor profile

Determine your investor profile with this questionnaire

Retirement calculator 

Find out how much you need to save for retirement based on your goals.

Education savings calculator

Calculate how much an RESP can provide for your child’s education.

Loan (mortgage, car and personal)

Calculate the cost and amortization of your loans.

Tax rates

Find your different tax rates.

Quebec Parental Insurance Plan calculator 

Calculate the QPIP benefit you might be entitled to.

Insurance needs calculator

Calculate what your insurance needs are.

Insurance needs calculator – Quick

Calculate what your insurance needs are.

RRSP tax savings

See the tax savings coming from your RRSP contributions.

Retirement budget and inflation

See your current expenses adjusted for inflation in the future.

Investment income

Calculate how much income your investments could generate.

Savings accumulation

See the potential evolution of your savings.

Contact us to learn more about how our wealth management solutions can help you achieve your financial goals.